Contractors and Clients
Contractors and Clients
Veteran Computer Consultants has performed as a subcontractor to the following major professional services organizations:
·American Management Systems,
·Crowe Chizak
·Unisys Corporation
·webMethods Corporation
Clients include the following organizations:
·7-11 Corporation, Dallas, TX
·EchoStar, Denver, CO
·Firminech, Princeton, N.J.
·INCO, Toronto, CA
·Inventa, Mt. Laurel, NJ
·Johnson & Johnson, San Jose, CA
·Kmart Headquarters, Troy, MI
·National Bank of Canada, Montreal, CA
·US Freightways, Chicago, IL
·U.S. Defense Finance and Accounting System (DFAS), Denver, CO
·U.S. Defense Supply Center (DSCC), Columbus, OH
·U.S. Department of State, Reston, VA
·U.S. Internal Revenue Service, Lanham, MD
·U.S. Navy Supply Depot, Mechanicsburg, PA